Where to Spend vs Where to Save


Where to spend vs save!

One of the most frequent concerns we hear revolved around knowing where to spend versus save. I think a common misconception around design and what we do is that we will pick the most expensive items out there. That could not be further from the truth of it! On the contrary, we love helping homeowners navigate where to get the most bang for your buck and where to be conservative with your budget. We get it, not everyone has unlimited funds. To that end, here are the four top areas to splurge and the one area we suggest to save!

  1. Countertops

    When it comes to the counters, I would recommend really spending the money on the things you want! They make a big difference in your space and are one of the first things your eye goes towards. If you are drawn to natural stone, there really is no comparison.

  2. Lighting

    Selecting the perfect lighting really can be such a nice finishing touch! If you want to draw the eye to something really stunning to highlight and let the rest of the less expensive items fall away, splurge on the most unique and interesting conversational piece of lighting. It will do the trick and help elevate your space to where the rest of the room feels more expensive.

  3. Hardware

    This is something you touch and feel every day in every use. Because of this, you really can tell the difference in a zinc/plastic coated piece of hardware and something that is solid cast. The weight and depth really is unmatched. It is the jewelry on the door or cabinetry. Touched so much more that those items themselves.

  4. Plumbing

    This is similar in essence to hardware. You touch and feel this everyday. You can tell if it is a cheap faucet versus something more solid and higher quality. This is an area with a WIDE range of costs so there really is something for everyone. Prioritize this when approaching your budget and you cannot go wrong!

  5. SAVE — TILE

    I might get some flack for this from the design community but I tend to be a designer that is pretty savvy about using inexpensive tile in an elevated and timeless way. I’d rather put the money into the above and source really easy and timeless tile throughout the house. There are just so many great options at lower price points that I wouldn’t want to spend the money myself on it unless it was something truly unique or special.

We hope this list helps you! Let us know what areas you splurged on and how they impacted your project!


Samantha Struck