Las Vegas Market -- Recap
Jena (I know, I know.... she will be introduced soon! For now, I'll tell you she's my fabulous assistant and friend!) and I took off for the Las Vegas Market on Monday and just wrapped up out time there. It was the first time we attended and it was UN-real. For those of you that don't know what Market is... Here is a breakdown:
1) It is a TRADE ONLY retail complex with two week long events per year to showcase the coming trends.
2) Las Vegas Market is 5.4 MILLION SQ FT with over 4,000 retailers.
3) We logged over 16,000 steps on Tuesday and 13,000+ on Wednesday!
4) An endless supply of free food, drinks, and after parties.
We arrived without a plan (not knowing just not crazy it was) and quickly realized that we needed to come up one! Day one was spent just walking around one of the three main buildings and formulating a plan for the second day. All in all it was really fun.
What was the point of going? Well, although we are not heavy into furniture sales in our studio, this really is the place to know what design trends are being forecast for the coming seasons. With that in mind, our biggest take aways were:
1) Color is back. Bright jewel tones (peacock in particular) is bold and back.
2) Minimalism and clean lines are still going strong!
3) Tribal, wood, and ethnic vibes are being mixed and incorporated into more spaces.
In general, there was really only a small subset of showrooms that would appeal to the PNW market but it was so fun to see what different pockets gravitate towards and who is purchasing for where. All in all, SO SO FUN!

Viva Las Vegas baby! We will for sure be back again! We didn't strike it rich but we did have a fun run on the Willy Wonka Machine!