Weekly Journal 4.21


Weekly Journal 4.21


This week we were heavy into detailing one of our larger projects on the books. We have been trying our best to wrap up packages and keep things moving along! Collectively, it was also a pretty heavy week. We had some of the team out sick, some of the team feeling like they were being pulled in too many directions, and just a lot of heavy things going on. I have always operated with authenticity and sharing that it was a tough week is just an extension to my commitment to transparency.

That being said, we found some bright spots in there, and here is a lineup of them!

1)      We had to reselect wallpaper for one of the bathrooms on one of our larger projects due to lead time. We found some quick swaps and loved the overall direction. Can’t wait to see it come together.

2)      The sun coming into my bedroom one of the mornings really highlighted the texture on the walls and I just stopped in my tracks. Being in the house for two years now, I never get tired of finding new angles and things to see.

3)      We detailed out the kitchen for our project with Eva Kosmas and it is shaping up to be a stunner. Below is a lil elevation preview for you.

4)      We took the kids to OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) and Penn absolutely adored it. But also came down with a fever a few hours later so that was fun…..

5)      Honestly that is about all I can come up with for the week so we are just going to roll with it and give gratitude that we made it through and are very much looking forward to the week ahead!

How was your week? Did you feel the same energy? Share about it with us below!
