Monday Motivation 5/11/2020
So in the midst of these strange times, I have had to search for inspiration and goodness to surround myself with and keep myself motivated! I thought it might be a good idea to share my findings with you each week and maybe it will help you too!
These things could be interiors related or not. It really depends on what I find that so happens to inspire me each week. In any case, we all could use a little pick me up and here are my five sources for the week:
1) Carol Estes Design
Okay this woman is an incredible designer. The way she layers eclectic finds, textures, color, and still manages to keep things modern and clean is amazing. I find so much rest when I see her work. Haven’t seen it, check it out. Maybe it will give you some major design crush goals too.
2) These shelves.
I mean, anything Jessica Helgerson and her team touches literally turns to gold. So it’s no wonder these shelves are so sublime. The dainty details and the way hey seems to drip with elegance is something to really just slow your scroll and take in.
3) This lady.
I just want to be her and she is literally the cutest woman in the whole world.
4) The Sophia Boutique Hotel in Greece.
It’s on my bucket list to visit Greece and this hotel snap made me want to work my tail-feathers off so we can one day get there!
5) These front-line grocery workers.
Guys, these people are making a very small wage relative the daily risks they are facing by showing up each and every day to keep the shelves stocked and doors open. They put themselves directly at risk day in and day out just so we have access to food. I don’t care what side of the aisle you are on, these people are heroes and deserve to be treated as such. Read some of their stories in this article.
Image Source: Brookings Edu
What’s got you motivated this Monday? Share your stories and sources below! We’d love to hear!