Monday Motivation 5/18/2020
Monday Motivation 5/18/2020
This last weekend was such a struggle. I had every intention of accomplishing some big things but my body and family demanded otherwise. It’s pretty tough for me to slow down and let my body rest when it is obvious that is what it is demanding. I feel like I am wired for work, or maybe it’s a scapegoat….. Either way, nothing got checked off the list and I woke up today totally okay with that. I have a long list of work demands this week and have to stay focused to make those happen! Here’s what I am using as my inspiration this week to keep me moving and grooving:
1) This Priest and his ingenuity to give peeps some holy water.
Disclaimer: I am not catholic, but if I were, I’d for sure be first in line for this. My son would think this was awesome.
Source: Today
2) This light fixture from Riloh lighting.
Someone please let me put their products in their house.
Source: Riloh Lighting
3) It’s this mama’s birthday today.
Not only is she a babe and an insanely talented artist, she has also walked through some of life’s challenges with her little sweet pea Wiley with literally the most grace and humility I have ever seen. She inspires me daily and honestly I feel so lucky to know her. She is the creative mastermind behind Future Folk Supply Co and in case you missed it, they are doing our railings.
Source: Instagram
4) This house that I could literally never tire of looking at.
Although I would love it even more in black…...
Source: Instagram
5) This video I found of Granger and I.
Dude. Pregnant hormones in full swing. But look at this.
That’s about it for today. Happy Monday folks.