Monday (Well, actually Tuesday...) Motivation 5/26/2020
Monday (Well, actually Tuesday...) Motivation 5/26/2020
So yesterday was Memorial Day and since we are technically starting the work week today, I wanted to wait to post this to hit the back to work lull we can always feel after a long weekend!
This last week was pretty rough. Lots of derailments, mostly with the house. Work has been pretty buys/steady and I had some major deadlines last week that caused me to have to put my focus there. Jordan started back up with his schooling too so it always is an adjustment getting back into the routine. We are officially 8 weeks into quarantine and the reality has fully set in that we have another 3+ months before Granger will be back in school and have a sense of normalcy. So strange.
All that to say, we could definitely use some motivation to keep us going on this short week and this is what made the cut:
1) Amber Lewis showing her cover image for her book.
This image really encapsulated the vibe we want for our house. Such a perfect blend of modern and eclectic. I just love everything about it. And the fact that she has been sharing her diagnosis and journey to health with MS WHILE finishing her book is unreal.
Image Source: Instagram
2) Granger learning to swim and always rocking the best outfits.
This kid gives me such a dose of confidence and motivation since he tackles his fears without pause and his outfits always make me giggle.
Image Sources: Personal
3) Getting this photo of our railing from Future Folk.
Seriously drool worthy and literally cannot wait to have their stamp on this house. They just mean so much to me both professionally and personally. These lines below are also so, so relaxing and beautiful. So good.
Image Source: Jason George (Future Folk Owner)
4) Seeing the HUNDREDS of peeps participating in the One Room Challenge.
Okay if looking through this doesn’t give you some major motivation, I don’t know what will. Projects massive in scale all the way to the smallest little projects, I love them all. So neat to see people (especially outside the industry) taking on these projects in this season. I just love looking through!
Image Source: One Room Challenge
5) This photo of Jordan and I.
If being stuck in quarantine for 8 weeks and unknowingly matching to this degree doesn’t motivate you to keep going, one foot in front of the other, so you don’t end up being that weird couple that blurs the lines between spouse, then I don’t really know what to say. It was funny for a moment. And then it was just… sad. Just kidding. Sorta. Let’s just hope this doesn’t happen regularly.
K friends — we go this. We can do hard things and can keep going. What’s on your motivation list for the week? Drop a comment below and let me know!